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Kroger Introduces Bonus, Cancels Hazard Pay

After canceling the $2 per hour hazard pay, Kroger has now introduced a bonus payment of $400 for full-time workers and $200 for part-time workers. The payments will be made in two installments; first on May 30 and the second on June 18. The bonus was announced after a protest from the United Food and Commercial Workers International (UFCW) highlighting the perils that workers are getting exposed to when they report to work. Kroger however offered no comment on its dispute with UFCW International.

Kroger’s CEO Rodney McMullen in his statement thanked his associates who were “instrumental in feeding America while also helping to flatten the curve during the initial phases of the pandemic”. He also highlighted the fact that Kroger had offered special pay to workers in March, April, and May.

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